B&T APC357 SIG Pistol | APC Platform Chambered in the Powerful .357 SIG Cartridge for sale
advanced police carbine
The ACP357 is chambered in the high-velocity .357 SIG cartridge providing laser-like trajectory out of the APC’s 6.9-inch
barrel, extending its effective range and terminal performance. Thanks to its lightweight and compact design, the APC357
will quickly become your general-purpose submachine gun of choice for mid-range field tasks; the platform is optimized
for the hard hitting .357 SIG cartridge yet is one of the lightest recoiling carbines available, thanks to B&T’s innovative and
effective hydraulic buffer system and spot-on ergonomics. This pistol variant ships with an MBT compatible endplate and
features a fully ambidextrous PRO lower receiver, non-reciprocating charging handles and an M-LOK compatible forend.
• Extended Range Subgun
• Chambered in .357 SIG
• High Velocity, Flat Trajectory
• Hydraulic Buffer System
• Fully Ambidextrous